A Warrior or A Survivor?
A fascinating question I often come across and get stuck trying to answer is "Are you a warrior or are you a survivor?" It's very hard because a warrior has a code as well as and a goal. He will not break his code to achieve his goal, his honour will not let him. Ancient warriors of several places have died protecting their code, even if it meant they never achieved their goals. A survivor is someone with a code too, but he is someone who doesn't prioritize the code over his goals. Sometimes, he loses his honour, he swallows his pride, makes himself a villain, all for the sake of the greater good, his goal. What are you? Are you a survivor? Or are you a warrior? It is very easy to be blinded when you're too proud and very easy to be unhinged when you lose your code and morals. It is also very easy to pick the side of a warrior for it sounds honourable and therefore projects us as people with honour who deserve respect. But survivors usually are people who've lost everything, everyone too. They lost it all because if their code and that feels respectable too. Just something to ponder.
Love, peace.
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