Strange Beliefs.

Of all the strange things I've heard people tell themselves to motivate themselves, one thing that stands out is when people tell themselves or me that "if you really want something to happen, put it out there in the universe and it will make it happen". With this article, I do not mean to make fun of or insult anyone but it does make me curious. Do people actually believe that they are the centre of this universe and its sole purpose is to grant people's wishes? I think I speak for everyone that we all seek a happy, prosperous and a peaceful life, whatever those adjectives mean to us individually, we all want them nonetheless. But we come across more unhappy, unsatisfied and people with extreme distress than we ever come across people who are happy. There is no secret to it, happiness is a way of life. It's our choice to smile. It's our choice to spread a kind word knowing it costs us nothing. It's our choice to be present, wherever we are. It's our choice to be committed to everything we do. It is just our choice.

Love, peace.
An Earthian.


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