
 Two things to be very careful of wasting, if we ever happen to waste them. One is food and the other is time. One must never, in my opinion, waste either of these two voluntarily as their value is beyond the scope of any type of quantification. You shouldn't waste food because there are literally millions of children, and people in general, who are starving and are utterly malnourished. Do not even consider wasting food. Always only make and have what you can, be very frugal about it and do not ever take it for granted. Time, you shouldn't waste it simply because it's not coming back. It just isn't. You are operating in a limited time frame and the more of it you waste, the more of yourself you're actually wasting. Make every last second count and make them count starting right now. Free suggestions, take them or leave. Up to you. 

Love, peace. 


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