

We do indeed have a lot of choices in almost every aspect of life but to say that we have too many choices is exaggeration, I believe. The choices we make and the options we get to choose from are important as they shape our future and therefore every choice is something to pay attention to and be careful about.

For instance, education is a very important choice that almost every single person has to make at some point in there lives. Education is oftentimes the means to a good livelihood and therefore it is something to be thoroughly looked at before making a decision. What are we good at, what do we enjoy doing and what are our career goals are all points to be considered before arriving at that decision. Having options to choose from gives every one of us an opportunity to make a decision that is clear and well thought out.

In a situation where are there are not enough choices, where things are decided for us, life has every chance of turning miserable for us because of the simple fact that life would be monotonous and out of our control. It will also lead to uncertainty and our futures and will to live would be under severe scrutiny.

I do understand that sometimes it is easy to get carried away because we have so many choices. But it is very important to have a level headed, well thought out approach when deciding on our choices. That way, we understand and build our lives towards happiness and peace.

An Earthian.





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