Why We Are Where We Are.

Is it just me or does everyone's brains act incredibly fast when taking decisions that we know are going to end badly and act inexplicably slow when taking decisions that we know are going to be for our own good and well being?

Hello there, I am 'the Earthian'.

The scientific explanation would be that instantaneous pleasure directly correlates to instantaneous dopamine rush, which directly implies that there would be instantaneous pleasure, which explains our brains' speed at things that are definitely not good in the long run but are pleasurable instantly. And the other side of this coin would be that those things that are going to be for our own good are almost always long term plans that take a lot of discipline, consistency and tenacity. Can they compare? Instantaneous pleasure and long term joy? I have no clue. All I know is that there is a reason a lot of us are still complaining about things happening for us. There is a reason why we haven't gotten that promotion yet when someone who joined later has surpassed us. There is a reason why we're always second best, there is a reason why we keep disappointing ourselves. And that has not got much to do with the world being a conspiracy theory, nor does it have much to do with our situations. It has a lot to do with our own excuses and what we tell ourselves to convince ourselves that we aren't to be blamed for where we are in our lives. Just think about it.

Love, peace.


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