Am I Apologetic?

If there's any confusion as to if I'm apologetic to those who consider me a disappointment, I'll settle it right now. I'm not. Not that I don't be value your feelings or that you're not relevant to me, just that if I had two cents for all those who are disappointed in me, I'd be a very poor man.

Hello there, I'm 'the Earthian'.

Offending people is almost quite literally, one of the easiest things can do in your life. You don't even have to put in any sort of effort or face adversities and challenges. Sometimes your mere existence would do the trick and that isn't me trying to be negative. You sneeze and there would most possibly be someone who will get offended by it. Any word you speak can be misconstrued (on purpose) and be turned into a hate speech. Few people try to understand what you say for what you say. Most try to fit what you say into their narratives so that they can feel right. It is what it is though, there's not much you can do about it. I'm not apologetic for being a disappointment to people as much as I am apologetic for those things I've done that I know I could have done better. And I'm only apologetic to myself.

Love, peace.


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