Cluttered Mind.

You know what they say about a cluttered mind taking decisions, don't you? Yeah, that's right, its no good. If you think your life was complicated with a mind that wasn't cluttered, you're in for a ride with one that's indeed cluttered.

Hello there, I am the Earthian.

And that's what happens when you live around too many opinions, when you live amongst those who just can't stop categorizing things as good or bad or anything else in between or maybe even everything else in between. They just have to assert what and how things are and they just have to shove their opinions on everyone's faces. Just to let them know that they too have opinions and that its their opinions that matter the most and maybe, if they dare (which they do almost all the time), that its their opinions that are indeed right. And you spend enough time with people like them, people who all have varied opinions but are all convinced that they are on the right, you end up with a mind that is more cluttered than the biggest pile of garbage you can imagine. And this becomes an issue when you want to take your own stand on things. But fear not for you really don't have to even consider their opinions for more than a hot second. You don't have to be right to them. And you don't even have to have an opinion. If people judge for no apparent reason, it isn't really your problem, is it? Ponder.

Love, peace.


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