Start Caring.

Using phrases like "I don't give a crap, I don't give a damn, I don't give a shit", excuse me for the profanity, is a way of being cool these days. The truth is, it is being completely misunderstood by almost everyone using the phrase. They care about other people's opinions where the opinions aren't needed and they don't care about people when they actually should be caring.

Hello there, I am the Earthian.

To give you an example, there might be a person who dresses up the way he does, only to get people's attention. That same person could walk right past another person who faints right in front of him, and he could be the guy who doesn't do anything because guess what, he doesn't care. There might be someone who cares about the value you add to their life and not care about the value they add to yours. These could be the ones that call you their best friends. Opinions about personal choices are what needn't be cared about. But they are the most that are cared about. There are so many who never live their lives because they care too much about every single person's opinions about their choices. Like, for instance, a student who decides to be a journalist and asks for everyone's opinions about his choice is a student who is never going to be happy. Personal choices are personal for a reason. They are yours. Precious. Protecting your personal dreams and aspirations is when you actually are supposed to not care about others' opinions.

When you realize that so many around you are suffering, silently but deeply, and that you can do a little something to make their lives better, that's when you care. That's not when you go like "Okay he's sad, it's not my issue!". It definitely isn't your issue, but it could very well be your pleasure.
Start caring, there is so much to care about in this world. So much. And your care matters here.

Lots of love, peace.


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