Every smile has a story to say. A story of its own. Some stories are good. These are the ones that produce a genuine smile. And there are other stories. Stories that aren't bad, but, just sad. And the ability to comprehend these stories is what that makes people special to each other.
Hello there, I'm the Earthian. You are too, embrace it!
And it is a hard thing to do, to look beyond someone's smile. Look far deeper into them and take a part of whatever it is that they are going through and just share it with the rest of the world. It's especially hard with people that are closed books. To open them is, in itself, a hard task, let alone read and understand them.
It's hard to open them up because the smile they put up on their face is mesmerizingly eloquent that the moment you see them, you picture them with a perfectly happy and healthy life. Which makes you think, for some reason, that your life is pathetic and miserable, compared to theirs. And the thing with them is that they are excellent listeners. They embrace you like you are their sibling and support you like you in every single way. And at the end of the day, when you start feeling better, you thank them and depart.
I mean, seriously, how often do you ask someone how they're doing? How often do you try and show your affection to someone that you actually care about? Do you at least let them know that they're not alone?
Lots of love, peace.
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