What is passion?

Everybody excels at something. Be it singing, dancing, speaking, writing or just about anything. For instance, I excel at being awkward and clumsy at social situations and events. It's where my specialty lies!

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

And then there are things we are passionate about. Things that we know we can't live without. Things that are ours at any day or time.
It is an amazing blessing to excel in what we are passionate about. Not many people can do that. Like, there maybe a person who is good at mathematics but is passionate about literature. And there maybe someone who is the other way around, you know.

And this is what that keeps people on the loop. They are never sure of what to go after. Is it their naturally gifted talent or is it what they are yearning for? They usually go with what they are good at, to make the green that they need to. And they do. They do make a lot of it. Even then, there is always this void in them, that makes them question themselves, "what if I had done what I wanted to?". And that's a question that will keep haunting them mildly for the rest of their lives. And that's what keeps them searching for things to fill in that void.

Playing safe may seem like the right option in the long run. It probably is too, if all you're looking for is a "settled" life. But if you're up for an adventure, make sure to listen to your heart. Because there is nothing more adventurous than a ship sailing towards a destination in an unknown direction.

Lots of love, peace.


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