It's understandable, you know, when we yearn for what it is generally lacking in the society. And it's very evident that care, is what is lacking the most right now in the society.
Hello there, I'm the Earthian.
Hell, most of us, including me as charged, go about saying "I do not give a damn!" on a constant basis, denying the care that we could potentially show to each other.
And I understand, it is hard to care for each other especially when we live in a society where everything people do is considered a conspiracy theory.
Simple, yet powerful emotions like affection, humility, love, care, compassion et cetera all have become emotions that come at a price.
I mean, there are more people to laugh at a person who got tripped than people who are there to help him up, to just give you an instance.
But deep inside we all want to have every one of those emotions. We all want to express every one of those emotions, putting our differences aside, our selfishness away and our ego afar. But it just isn't happening because there is a small part of us afraid of getting judged for being the perfect human being that we are. We choose to be a part of the mud when we want to be a blooming seedling that comes from the mud. And we do it because we feel that things are complicated and it's just easier to be a part of the mud.
We have come to a period where people yearn for things to be simpler when they actually are the ones that add a complication to all that that are simple. It's like trying to clean the cleanest of objects because of the lack of proper sight that we posses.
And maybe things are complicated. And maybe that's how things have always been. It's still no reason to be afraid of being a human being.
Lots of love, peace.
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