
Let me be very, very clear. I don't need sympthay, pity or any form of interaction that arises from people feeling sorry for me. Yes, I have my downs and I do feel hurt every now and then, but I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me. I want people, if they want to help me, to tell me that I'll get better, that my hard work will take me places, that it's only a matter of when and not of if. I want people to rise with me, not fall down with me. I want people soothe me with positivity and help me brush off my failures and not make me find excuses. The only reason I've ever failed at anything in life is that I didn't do enough. That's it. I didn't pass that test because I didn't study enough, I didn't qualify for the tournament because I didn't play well enough. There's nothing bad about admitting any of this. It only lets me know that there's room for improvement for me. And that's a challenge I like having. That's a task I'm willing to take up. There's always room for improving and that's all that's needed for me to rise up again.

Love, peace.
An Earthian.


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