
Never let your dreams die, because if you do, they actually do die. Dreaming, hoping, grasping for positivity with the intention of working on them to make them a reality is worth it. But the moment you you give up on them, they fade away. You can fail a million times, as long as you're willing to get back up and strive one more time, your dreams will be alive. But they will always only be as alive as you keep them. Reviving a dead dream doesn't work as well as keeping them alive because the motivation it takes, the dedication it takes is not even comparable. You can't flip flop between wanting something and then not wanting it and then going back to wanting it with the same intensity because it is just too hard. Understand what you need and what you want in life and make your priorities well know to yourself. And then fight. Fight like there is no tomorrow.

Love, peace.
An Earthian.


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