Act Kindly.
I wish I felt bad everytime I relapsed and did something stupid. I do a lot of stupid things and if I had a nickel for everytime I did them, well, I'd be very, very rich by now. But I am trying to improve. I sincerely do want to improve and I say that with all of my heart. And that matters. It isn't all that matters but it definitely does matter and no matter what people tell you, do not feel bad about yourself for no reason ar all. If there is a reason, get to the botttom of it and try to fix it and improve. Because you staying there is not only going to disappoint you but it's exactly what people want you to feel. Yes, I know how guilt feels and I understand why you feel you deserve if but you don't. No one deserves to be stuck in hostile self inflicted negativity. And that applies to you too. Try talking positively to yourself. Speak kindly to yourself, act kindly too. It's the very least you can do for yourself.
Love, peace.
An Earthian.
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