My Stories.

I am not a big fan of being the subject of conversations that I am not a part of. Not because I'm ashamed or scared of people judging me, but because, sometimes, the people I trust share information about me to people I don't and I end up feeling like my privacy is compromised.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

I don't know about others, but for me to open up to someone, there's a certain amount of trust that goes into it. Sharing a part of my story is not something that I am comfortable with with everyone. It's not something that I do day in and day out. If there's any place where I write about myself, it's right here. This is the only place where my story gets the most attention, and here too, I only and have always only shared blips of it. So for me to share it with anyone means the world to me, and when they break it to others, it hurts me so much worse than people might assume it does. It is what it is though, I can't stop people from talking.

Love, peace.


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