A Chance and A Choice.

Sometimes, the only way I know that time is flying by is with my daily articles on here. Yes, things happen in my life, but they sometimes tend to get so monotonous that it is very hard to even recall the events of the day that stood out of the ordinary.

Hello there, I am the Earthian.

Not that I am doing something extraordinary here with my words on here every evening, but writing here reminds me of all the promises I've made myself and that is enough motivation for me to try and wake up a better person the next morning, if and when I wake up. It's nice to have something to look forward to, something to remind ourselves that we aren't yet lost in the wilderness that it is, and that even if we are, we have ever chance of paving our own way out of it. It gives me hope that I can improve and that it's a choice for me to do so, it's a choice for me to take the time to appreciate life for what it is, and it is a choice to embrace myself for all of my past mistakes, present gullibility and future endeavors. It's a choice to live life, a choice to love life. And whilst I am not there yet, I sure am looking forward to being there.

Love, peace.


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