No Excuses.
I hope I don't ever become someone who only has self sympathy as an excuse for their actions. I want to always be accountable to myself, to my code of living and I hope I stick with it always. No matter how bad my situation in life becomes, no matter how hard of a circumstance I am faced with, no matter how hard I fall down, no matter how battered and bruised I get, I do not want to take the low road and use my life as an excuse for my actions. If anything, I want to show myself that my conscience can always direct me towards the right path and I want that to be the foundation of my life. My code, I hope, is something I never give up on for it is something I am very proud of. I have no sympathy for people who sympathize for themselves and I won't ever feel bad for someone who uses their bad upbringing as an excuse for their actions.
Love, peace.
An Earthian.
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