Changes are scary, big or small. That's how they are to me, and I am assuming a large chunk of the rest of the world's population also nodded in agreement. The change of activity, on its own is not much of a big deal, we can all deal with that, neither are the effects of the change, but the idea of the change having a huge, irreversible impact in our lives is what terrifies us. I get scared when I decide to try something new, scared of the thought that I may become an entirely new person. I also get scared of speaking up sometimes because I often have ended up being the only one speaking up and have been on the end of negative remarks. But it doesn't have to be this way. Change is an opportunity to explore. And that's all it is. If we dislike what we found in our exploration, we can stop it at that instant. If we find it to be interesting, there's more of an opportunity to explore further. And that's wonderful. That's how it needs to be seen, I'd say.
Love, peace.
An Earthian.
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