
A problem that a lot of people have is that they have very high tolerance of disrespect, especially when they are obliged to the person disrespecting them. Teachers who bully their pupils, employers who embarrass their employees fall under this category. Whilst this definitely needs to stop in all levels, we as individuals should also take control of our own lives and take a stand that we cannot be treated that way. Nobody, nobody ever, has the right to mock you, insult you, disrespect you and you as an individual should always stand up for yourself. That doesn't mean you pick a fight with them, that does definitely mean you make sure you don't let them do it to you again. If you're in an organization, find a different organization for you to work at, if it is you alleged friends, find different friends. If it's your teacher, make sure their superiors are notified. Handle it with care, but definitely handle it. People can't get away with everything. 

Love, peace.
An Earthian.


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