It's very rare that I come across someone who is very confident. Someone who can just sweep away the aura of an entire room, no matter what room they're in. It's in them for some, for others, it comes with practice, either way, I'd say it is extremely essential. I personally am not a very confident person myself but I am working towards it and I believe that is how one achieves it as well. It comes with affirmations, it comes with acceptance, it comes with humility and it comes with an open mind. Most people do not like what they see in the mirror when they stand in front of it and that is where it all begins. If you do not find yourself appealing or interesting, odds are, you're going to project yourself that way to others too and they're going to find you the exact same way too. Address this issue. Tell yourself that you're amazing, that you're valuable, that you're beautiful, that you matter, that you are human and are not any form of a lab specimen to be perfect. Appreciate yourself. It goes a long way, and it really doesn't take a lot.
Love, peace.
An Earthian.
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