Life Advice.

What I've realized about myself is that I can't read more than 10 pages of books that claim to promise me success in every way possible. These books are oftentimes written by actual successful people who've flourished in their fields and they have factually helped dozens and dozens of people, so, don't get me wrong. 

Hello there, I'm the bloke who refers to himself as the Earthian.

Don't get me wrong when I tell you that I can't read more than 10 pages of their books, that I'm meaning that their work isn't actually reliable nor useful. Also don't get me wrong that I'm incapable of reading, because that too, isn't true. What I am telling you is that there is a fundamental notion within me that just completely denies any formula for success, no matter who it is from. Because I believe, everyone's paths are bound to be different no matter what and that experiences are the best teachers one can possibly have. Reading about others' experience is no more valuable to me than it is novel. It's intriguing, to read others'adventures so when written in that form, perhaps, I can finish a book. But when it's formulated advice on what to and what to not do and how to do what we do, it's just too much for me to handle. This though is my opinion.

Love, peace.


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