The Heart Wants What it Wants.

Today is one of those days when I feel absolutely useless. I feel like I am a waste of space and I feel pathetic. And I am not entirely sure why, but I am sure that we don't usually need a reason to feel a certain way.

Hello there, I am the Earthian.

It is completely okay to feel the way we feel for we feel like it. That's it. There aren't any more secrets than we make up. I have underachieved, and I have let myself down, just like I have been letting myself down for so many days now. I can't even stop letting myself down. It is against my moral code to give up, and therefore I am also not able to do that although I am certain some part of me suspects that is the perfect solution. There aren't anymore excuses for me being the sorry human being that I am. The harsh truth is that I am as lazy as I am optimistic and that is a deadly combination. Some part of me always assures me that things will fall into place and I live in denial of the chance for things to not fall into place. I mean, how can they not? Well, they just needn't, for I am not that important of a human being for the universe to always pay all of it's attention on me. Even as I write this, my heart silently keeps suggesting that I will be alright and I can't help listening to it, no matter how badly I want to not listen to it. I guess the heart wants what it wants. I wish everyone else a good time though.

Love, peace.


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