
People often tell me that there are always more sides to a story than what we are told. And I honestly don't know how I feel about that. Because it makes me extremely skeptical everytime I watch the news, or hear people tell stories about their personal mishaps. I don't know if I want to beileve in what they tell me or if I want to know the truth.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

The skepticism also makes me wary. Oftentimes, I find myself being uninterested in even listening to what people have to say when they talk about their mishaps because I'm not sure if they're cooking up a story of their own, or pouring their real heart out or just bloating a mild story into some fable with a crooked ending.
I'm not the one to deny someone's truth. Neither am I the one to advocate fallacy. I'm the one that seeks the neutral sweet spot but with the story having so many sides to it, I'm barely even scratching the surface of that neutral, "nobody-gets-hurt" safe and sweet spot.

One thing I do know, though, is that there are so many stories worth listening to. Most stories are controversial, agreed, but the stories are definitely worth listening to. If nothing, it is an opportunity to gain a perspective. So ignorance is not the answer.

Lots of love, peace.


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