Safe Play.
I get it, I get it. Intelligence doesn't matter as long as we are qualified enough to get ourselves a job, even if it pays in peanuts. All we need to do to become successful in life is adhering to the standards set by the generations of people, standards for education and intelligence. And the moment we cross the marks, the moment we prove ourselves to be as average as everyone else is, we are good to go.
Hello there, I lurk around here, calling myself "The Earthian". Join me, it sounds like a cause worthy of fighting for.
And we have accepted it. Why?
Because why not? So many millions of people have done the exact same thing for decades and decades now, so why should we not do it? Why should we do it any differently? How is choosing to do something that promises nothing smarter than choosing to do something that promises what everyone else gets?
And you know what, if you have these sorts of questions in your mind and if you're already convinced of settling down for way less than what you can get, I have nothing else to say to you. The moment you give up on yourself is the moment you give up on everything else that could possibly matter. Like your eternal happiness and peace. But I'm sure you've thought everything through and have made a logical decision.
I wish you well, but don't even try to think of convincing me.
Lots of love, peace.
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