I don't know why, but everywhere I go, I find people who are adamant, people who are stubborn. Stubborn to cross the "lines" that they drew for themselves or the "lines" that the society drew for them.
I keep wondering why, because these are also the people who complain that they aren't satisfied with their lives.
Hello there, I'm the Earthian.
And everybody has their reasons. Some say they are already at the "highest" point in their life but are unable to feel satisfied, while others complain that there just are too many factors that pull them down.
They, however, are reluctant, ignorant and dissmissive of the fact that they are and they feel the way they do because of themselves and nobody else. When they can just let the "rules" go, when they can just ignore all that's unnecessary, they choose to not do that. Infact, they like to hide behind these factors and call them the reasons for their lack of satisfaction in their life. Let me just tell you, if you are one of them, you are in for a lifetime of unsatisfaction, unless you decide to let go of what's holding you back. The small changes that you decide to bring to yourself are going to be the key to how you see yourself.
Let me just tell you that complaining that you're not able to see beyond what you do see from where you are, is pointless. Take a step forward and you might see the wonders you've been yearning to see. If taking a step forward means that you're breaking your own facade, so be it, because that's what they are, a facade.
Lots of love, peace.
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