Our Little Hearts.
Ah, where do I even start? Sometimes, the heart is simply just an insatiable little beating device. Sometimes, it's insatiably good, sometimes it's just evil. Nothing ever really limits it, nothing ever really meets its expectations, nothing ever really comes close to managing it. However, none of us can live without it. None of us even want to live without it. It drives us to be whatever we want to be, and sometimes, whatever we don't want to be, but it drives us nevertheless. It makes us yearn for things that it makes us believe are unbelievably important when in reality, sometimes, all it does is cloud us and our vision. I've been hurt by it countless times, yet it continues to be my primary objective to accomplish, it continues to be one of my only motivations. I don't say any of this with any negativity in my mind, I say it with completely pleasant thoughts in my mind. We really are quite staggering as beings and we do not fail to ever surprise one another. Your hearts will want things, consult your brain before you actually go and get it.
Love, peace.
An Earthian.
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