Your Body.
A fun fact about me is that I have reduced my sugar intake. It used to be quite high when I was a kid but I just slowly stopped eating sugar this past year and quite honestly, I don't miss it. I have the occasional dessert and it totally is worth it then, but on a regular basis, it absolutely is not something I miss. Said that, I had a home made sweet today, which was delicious when I was still eating it, but now, after a few hours have passed, I totally regret it. My body does not feel the same, my mouth has lost all of it's senses and I feel totally nauseated. I feel like it is going to be a rather long night. The point was to not share my story of removing sugar out of my life, but to share that sometimes your body will literally let you know what's good and what's bad for you. All you need to do is listen. Listen to what your body says. It is seldom wrong. Don't just walk blindly and engage in activities with no purpose. Think, analyse and watch your steps. Your body will guide you.
Love, peace.
An Earthian.
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