
Of all the good some people have, something some of them don't have is discipline. Life can be pretty frustrating at times, it can ruin our moods and our days but nothing should be an acceptable reason or excuse for being indisciplined. Never take our frustrations on things that we have worked hard to achieve. I've witnessed close friends and family break their phones, their TVs, their glassware, their utensils and so much more and that's just not the way to get things done. It shows how spoiled some people have been to break things that were hard earned in life. Indiscipline leads to entitlement and with entitlement comes arrogance, a lot of arrogance. It is easier to become a person of wealth than it is to become a person of character. It is important to remember where we came from for us to be in a position to appreciate life for what it is. Ponder.

Love, peace.
An Earthian.


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