I don't ever assume that I possess the right to tell people what they need to do in order for them to improve their lives. However, I am one to tell people to keep their heads up no matter what for when they lose their hearts, they lose a lot and the road to recovery from that is long and unnecessarily hard. Of course, life is going to throw tough days at us from time to time but who are we if not warriors who walk through storms? The ability to not quit when the going gets tough is rare and is not common. We don't see as many people trying to portray valour as we see trying to escape the tough paths in life. Whatever action we take, there will be consequences and if we are brave enough to take the action, we must be brave enough to face the consequences because they do not exist without the initial action. Good or bad, there will be consequences and it is of paramount importance that we treat them all the same way. Everything will eventually pass and it isn't advisable to get invested in anything any more than necessary. Ponder.
Love, peace.
An Earthian.
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