
You are only as valuable as you are useful, just like the old saying goes. I'm not entirely sure that that's a saying but it sounds good enough to be one, at least for me.

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

Unfortunately, it's not always that I'm useful. In fact, I am not, at least most of the time and my value can very well be rendered zero because of the way I am. And is it unfair that the world works this way? Perhaps, but quite honestly there isn't anything that you can do about it. But does it actually mean you're not valuable? It's up to you to decide that. Ask me and I'll tell you you're exactly as valuable as you think you are. It completely depends on how you look at yourself. If you're not someone you look forward to spending time with, if you're not someone who accepts all of your qualities, chances are nobody else will. Purely because nobody else needs to. Why does anyone need to prioritize you if your don't do it yourself? 


Love, peace.


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