It Gets Better.

Its a very lonely world out there and it doesn't get any better for someone who fundamentally doesn't know how to mingle with the society. Not that he's a psychopath or even a sociopath, just that it never is enough no matter how much if himself he gives to the world. 

Hello there, I'm the Earthian.

It can get really dark in the beginning, when you're always looked at like you're a snake in people's gardens, when people just give you those judgemental looks. It could be pretty intimidating at first to think that its a long and lonely road ahead and that it always will be, but I promise you that it gets better. I promise that it isn't all that bad to be left alone. It isn't always going to be dark and it isn't always going to be this way. You can still choose to smile and you can still enjoy life to the best possible extents. You can choose to live and more than anything, you can choose to love. It gets better, trust me. 

Love, peace.


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